"Garde-toi d'infliger à ton ennemi les pires sévices que tu puisses lui faire subir car un jour il pourrait être ton ami"/ "Be careful not to impose the worst ill treatment to your enemy because one day he could be your friend"
(Moslih Eddin Saadi)


Nombre de combattants, en France, pour / Numbers of fighters, in France, for :

  • la campagne de France / campaign of France (1814-1815) = 1 (mort de phtisie dans un hôpital militaire à Turin (Italie) / died by tuberculosis in military hospital in Turin (Italy))
  • la guerre de 1870-1871 / war of Second Empire = 1 (vivant / alive)
  • la grande guerre de 1914-1918 / First world war = 2 (vivants mais blessés au combat / alives but damaged in the fight)
  • la guerre de 1939-1945 / Second world war = 2 (vivants / alives)
  • la guerre d'Algérie / war for indepenence of Algeria (1954-1962) = 1 (vivant / alive)

Nombre de combattants, en Espagne, pour / Numbers of fighters, in Spain, for :

  • la guerre civile / Spanish civil war (1936-1939) = 1 (vivant / alive) et 1 (emprisonné puis fusillé / imprisoned then shot)

Legend :

PG = War prisoner
RG = War refugee
D = Demobilized soldier
Died for France (1 black slash)
Died for the spanish republic (1 mauve slash)
Damaged soldiers (1 red fine slash by damaged)
Named or awarded a prize soldiers (1 cockade)
Fighter during the War (1 full black circle)

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